7 wrz 2011

Character Dev: Dasher

because of a few things I fall behind with my artwork and art in general so I try and catch up today!

But the thing I want to present today is another character I created. It all began some time ago when I started to think about a kids book as I want to create one in the future. But I need a proper cast for it and recognisible characters and at that point a whole thinking process went into motion. Preaty much everyone knows my Bunny character was created like in 5min, so I told myself I will take this one slow. Thought carefully about his features and characteristics. Slowly I thought of a dog character which will be a true friend, not cunning or taking interest only for himself just being there for people in need, loyal - like a dog :).

These are the first doodles sketches of him, starting from facial expressions to making him all fuzzy then made him simpler to see how he presents himself to finally sketching out his body and features.

As you can see I picked a Border Collie, why? Because I always wanted a dog like that so there I gave my personal touch to him. Yet for over a month he kinda slipped my mind... and I returned to him with a new idea about his look and making him look like a proper collie pup so here I present you the final design :)

The name was a tricky part as I take my time to think of a name that is catchy and fits a character, so by some help and inspiration from Oliver and Company (a movie made by Disney) with a very cute character called Dodger and looking at some pet name pages I thought of Dasher :).

So here you have a small story and what thinking process I was through to make my beloved puppy character :).

1 komentarz:

  1. Mike, I'm really happy in the direction you're taking this (and where you're going). Definitely a warm fun character and would love to see this story!
